It was an empire that took four decades to reach the epitome of power and might. it was whispered that the broker at the head of the empire was a kingmaker indeed, he had untold influence that went beyond the borders of his vast media empire, But then like the colossus that he is known to be Rupert Murdoch and his news empire is in free fall at the moment.
When I wrote Retributive Justice - Storm on the horizon of News International, on my blog in January it all seemed so far-fetched and distant that anything or anyone will be able to scratch the surface of the powerful conglomerate that we know as News International. But of recent that all seems to have changed. Somehow the storm has finally broken over the empire and it is echoing beyond the empire in terms of collateral damage.
Being a bit more specific, lets take stock of has has happened so far. We have had the News of the World on of the most powerful and feared weekend tabloids close after 168 years in existence and most of its staff hung out to dry. Even the ultra powerful protege of Rupert Murdoch, Rebekah Brooks after rubbing in the fact that News Of theWorld staff were out of a job but she wasn't, had to bow to overwhelming pressure of the snowballing Phone Hacking Scandal as it is know popularly being known and resign. Collateral damage as I earlier mentioned has of late been the top two police officers in the Metropolitan Police, Sir Paul Stephenson and his deputy John Yates have had to resign because their roles in the Force have been compromised by their proximity to the Murdoch empire.
The Murdochs have had to attend a Parliamentary hearing into the scandal and there is going to be judicial inquiry into the Scandal, not to limit issues to this side of the Atlantic, our cousins across the water are taking it rather badly as well since they have discovered that phones of victims of the 9/11 tragedy were also allegedly hacked into, not making the Murdochs very well thought of in their adopted home.
And with the wounded of the Murdoch empire baying for blood it can be said that this is only the very beginning of storm we do not know what state this empire will be in by the time it is over. One thing is sure it has seen its best and brightest day over the last forty year when it stood seemingly tall and untouchable.