Sunday, 16 January 2011

Greatness defined by Personality

Great American presidents continue to be defined not only by the aura they carry,their personalities and deeds, but the things that they manage to say i n their speeches whenever opportunity presents itself to address the nation. Such an occasion presented itself recently when President Obama and his First Lady Michelle were at Tucson,Arizona to reach out to the American people.

I am putting this down as one of his landmark speeches already. Knowing what to say when things are difficult to say because of grounded division and strife is a unique gift that few of us possess. It is always so easy to stoke the flames of enmity and divisions but towing the line of healing and peacemaking is a different story altogether.

President Obama is the kind of man who America needs at the helm of affairs now. And I am not laying claim to that simply because of what he has achieved so far but, because of the ability to listen that he has shown that he possesses. Deep oratory seemed to be dormant in the real sense of the word. We only see people use oratory majorly for purposes of politics of the moment. The purpose of healing redefined it altogether last week. And the nation as one accepted,understood and knew that something uniquely different had been said by the father of the nation in it's hour of dire need.

Whoever wishes to lay claim to the position of leadership should eschew principles of brotherhood and togetherness no matter how difficult, because we know from history that as the saying goes " United we stand,divided we fall".

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